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Viviana Ponce - Tel Aviv, Israel

2) Israel.jpg

Sandra Ospina - Medellín, Colombia

3) Colombia.jpg

Azucena Estrada - AZ - EEUU

1) USA.jpg

Leticia Trujillo - Los Angeles, CA - EEUU

1) USA.jpg

María Fajardo - Caracas, Venezuela

5) Venezuela.jpg

Angi Abello - Bogotá - Colombia

3) Colombia.jpg

Karelis Blanca - Quito, Ecuador

Johana Ruge - Miami FL, EUU

4) Ecuador.jpg
1) USA.jpg
5) Venezuela.jpg

Gabriel Toro - Caracas, Venezuela

Diana Norman - Long Beach, CA, EEUU

1) USA.jpg

Angi Abello - Bogotá - Colombia

Yeraldi Marcano - Tennessee,  EEUU

1) USA.jpg
3) Colombia.jpg


"There are no words that I can thank for the dedication with which you gave us so much knowledge, thanks and honor to the wonderful Being of Light that you are, to your humility and dedication, thank you dear Lidia Nester and to each of the companions of this stage, the that we finished yesterday and those who accompanied us and could not be with us, each making a loving contribution of light to go together to raise the frequency, thank you. THANKS TO THE DIVINITY that allows us to recognize the light and follow it, Namaste everyone".

Romayra Arrieche - Lima, Peru.

"I had the great opportunity to attend the diploma course and my experience was unique. The learning that is obtained from our teacher Lidia is incomparable. Waiting for you to continue imparting that knowledge to continue learning; I'm staying"

Miguel Marcelo Ochoa - Caracas, Venezuela.

"You taught me that the duty of the teacher is to reflect the light of the disciple so that he can recognize it, see it and know what he is capable of. That's what you did with me and me. Thanks to that I was able to grow and accept myself as I am. That's how my life changed. I definitely think that I have two lives, one before I met you and another after".

Giorgio Di Stefano - Roma, Italia.

"I wish to express my great gratitude to you for such a wonderful Diploma of Integral Holistic Therapists that you dictated in the city of Caracas and of which you are a part. For me, it especially contributed to an awakening of consciousness to achieve the Ascención Process vital for humanity. I congratulate you immensely for teaching us in each class the importance of raising our vibrational level in order to understand that we are all One and that there should not be the duality that makes us subject to the EGO and that it is this, that dominates our existence not allowing us to BE Architects of our own lives".


Nefertitti Márquez - Caracas, Venezuela.


"Thanks to all your teaching in Reiki I, II and III, Light, Love and Healing started not only physically but also spiritually, you are a beautiful Being of Light that transmits a lot of knowledge and does not hesitate to help in the whole process for that their students achieve all the necessary travel to discover their I AM and thus connect with the ONE. Waiting to be able to perform the Mastery with you in order and perfect harmony with the Universe".

Patricia Paredes - Medellin, Colombia.




          Abraham Yashab Árias

·         Ángel Wateima

·         Carlo López

·         Carol Martínez

·         Claret Laya

·         Denis Hernández

·         Erika Monserrat

·         Fanny Acevedo

·         Gabriela Mejía

·         Génesis Lira Yánez

·         Gérmani Blanco

·         Haidee Moniz

·         Henry Antonio Vivas P.

·         Iván León

·         Jaidy Romero

·         Johana Gutiérrez

·         Johanna González

·         Kathiuska Jaspe

·         Kerlys López

·         Larry Lucena

·         Laura Mosquera

·         María Colmenares

·         Maribel Manríquez

·         Marinilda Calderón

·         Martha Luz Torres P.

·         Mildred Carrasquero

·         Miriam Romero

·         Oriana Selene Campos

·         Rubén Martins

·         Trisenia García

·         Yeithsira Morfe

·         Yin Ling Carrera Fung

·         Yubirí Chávez



1. The information provided on this website is for educational, self-growth and cultural purposes only. 

2. Neither the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT (IIHD)/NESTER SERVICES LLC nor their owners, board members, employees, agents, and/or volunteers offer medical advice through this website or any means whatsoever. Nor should the information provided be used as a substitute for needed health care from a licensed health or mental health professional.

3. The INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT (IIHD)/NESTER SERVICES LLC recommends all to seek professional medical assistance if needed.

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6. By engaging with the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT (IIHD)/NESTER SERVICES LLC you are acknowledging that you understand and agree to this disclaimer, and that you take full responsibility for your own health, decisions and actions.

© 2025 by International Institute of Holistic Development (IIHD)

All the content, including text, video, images and procedures are copyrighted property of either Lidia Nester and/or the International Institute of Holistic Development.




  1. La información proporcionada en este sitio web tiene fines educativos, de crecimiento personal y culturales únicamente.

  2. Ni el INSTITUTO INTERNACIONAL DE DESARROLLO HOLÍSTICO (IIHD)/NESTER SERVICES LLC ni sus propietarios, miembros de la junta directiva, empleados, agentes y/o voluntarios ofrecen asesoramiento médico a través de este sitio web ni por ningún otro medio. Tampoco debe utilizarse la información proporcionada como sustituto de la atención médica necesaria de un profesional de la salud o de la salud mental con licencia.

  3. El INSTITUTO INTERNACIONAL DE DESARROLLO HOLÍSTICO (IIHD)/NESTER SERVICES LLC recomienda a todos buscar asistencia médica profesional si es necesario.

  4. El visitante de este sitio web y cliente del INSTITUTO INTERNACIONAL DE DESARROLLO HOLÍSTICO (IIHD)/NESTER SERVICES LLC asume todos y cada uno de los riesgos asociados con el uso de la información que contiene, y acepta eximir de responsabilidad al INSTITUTO INTERNACIONAL DE DESARROLLO HOLÍSTICO (IIHD)/NESTER SERVICES LLC, sus propietarios, miembros de la junta directiva, empleados, agentes y/o voluntarios de todos y cada uno de los reclamos, demandas, causas de acción, responsabilidad, pérdida, daño y/o lesión que puedan ocurrir como resultado del uso de este sitio web.

  5. Cuando compra cualquiera de nuestros servicios o productos, reconoce que el INSTITUTO INTERNACIONAL DE DESARROLLO HOLÍSTICO (IIHD)/NESTER SERVICES LLC tiene una política de no reembolso en este y todos los demás sitios y plataformas digitales relacionados.

  6. Al interactuar con el INSTITUTO INTERNACIONAL DE DESARROLLO HOLÍSTICO (IIHD)/NESTER SERVICES LLC, reconoce que comprende y acepta este descargo de responsabilidad, y que asume la plena responsabilidad de su propia salud, decisiones y acciones.

© 2025 por Instituto Internacional de Desarrollo Holístico (IIHD) Todo el contenido, incluyendo texto, video, imágenes y procedimientos son propiedad protegida por derechos de autor de Lidia Nester y/o el Instituto Internacional de Desarrollo Holístico.

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