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Rev. LIDIA NESTER (Ma. Dipti Vidya (Vidyananda) es maestra en medicina complementaria, autora, sanadora holística, asesora espiritual, coach de vida, astróloga, motivadora, canalizadora, facilitadora y practicante de constelaciones familiares, terapeuta de respuesta espiritual, Homeópata Floral, Profesora de Yoga y Meditación, Practicante y profesora de Biodescodificación, Sonoterapeuta, Practicante y profesora de Sanación Neochamánica, Practicante del Rito del Útero, , Doctora en Divinidad; y además es Maestra en diferentes estilos de Reiki (Usui, Tibetano, Kundalini, Animal, Cristal y Celta) y gran Maestro en Reiki Cuántico.

La visión de Lidia es Ser un canal a través del cual la luz de Dios sane los corazones de millones. Con este propósito, ha capacitado a cientos de estudiantes alrededor del mundo en poderosas tecnologías ancestrales como, Angeloterapia, Musicoterapia, Sanación con Registros Akáshicos, Sanación con Tarot, Mindfulness, Mandalas, Cromoterapia, Cristaloterapia, Aromaterapia, Bioenergética, Radiestesia, Hipnosis y Regresión a Vidas Pasadas, Meditación, Programación Neurolingüística y Análisis Transaccional, entre otros.

Lidia desarrolló un enfoque holístico que combina su larga experiencia en el mundo empresarial, como Máster en Gestión Empresarial con especialidad en Salud Pública, con el tan necesario toque espiritual que reconoce la naturaleza multidimensional del ser humano. Desde esta perspectiva, ideó y actualmente dirige el exitoso ¨Diplomado en Formación en Terapia Holística¨, creado para profesionalizar la práctica de la medicina energética y sus técnicas primordiales.

A través del INSTITUTO INTERNACIONAL DE DESARROLLO HOLÍSTICO (IIDH), los estudiantes y practicantes certificados de Lidia multiplican estas enseñanzas para llevar a cabo su visión.

Rev. LIDIA NESTER (Ma. Dipti  Vidya (Vidyananda) is a master in complementary medicine, author, holistic healer, spiritual advisor, life coach, Astrologist, motivator, channeler, Family Constellation facilitator and Practitioner, Spiritual Response Therapist, Theta-healer, Floral Homeopath, Yoga and Meditation teacher, Practitioner and professor of Biodescodification, Sound therapist, Practitioner and professor of Neoshamanic Healing, Practitioner of the Rite of the Womb, Sacred Sex teacher, and Doctor in Divinity. She is also a Master in different Reiki styles (Usui, Tibetan, Kundalini, Animal, Cristal, and Celtic) and a grand Master in Quantum Reiki.

Lidia’s vision is becoming a channel through which the light of God heals the hearts of millions. With this purpose in mind, she has trained hundreds of students around the world in powerful ancestral technologies such as, Angel Therapy, Music Therapy, Akashic Records healing, Tarot healing, Mindfulness, Mandalas, Chromotherapy, Crystal Therapy, Aromatherapy, Bioenergetics, Dowsing, Hypnosis and Past Life Regression, Meditation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Transactional Analysis.

Lidia developed a holistic approach that combines her long experience in the corporate world, as a Master in Business Management specializing in Public Health, with the much-needed spiritual touch that acknowledges the multidimensional nature of the human being. From this perspective, she conceived and currently directs the successful ¨Diploma in Holistic Therapy Training¨, created to professionalize the practice of energy medicine and its primary techniques.

Through the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT (IIDH) Lidia’s certified students and practitioners multiply these teachings in order to carry out her vision.

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DISCLAIMER: When you purchase any of our services or products, you are acknowledging that the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT (IIHD) has a no refund policy in this and all other related sites and digital platforms.



DESCARGO DE RESPONSABILIDAD: Cuando compra cualquiera de nuestros servicios o productos, está reconociendo que el INSTITUTO INTERNACIONAL DE DESARROLLO HOLÍSTICO (IIHD) tiene una política de no reembolso en este y todos los demás sitios y plataformas digitales relacionados.

El enfoque de todos nuestros cursos es internacional, el estudiante es responsable de investigar si las terapias estudiadas pueden ejercerse donde desea practicarlas, y de cuáles son los requisitos para hacerlo. 

DISCLAIMER: When you purchase any of our services or products, you are acknowledging that the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT (IIHD) has a no-refund policy on this and all other related sites and digital platforms.

The focus of all our courses is international, the student is responsible for investigating whether the therapies studied can be practiced where they wish to practice them, and what are the requirements to do so.



1. The information provided on this website is for educational, self-growth and cultural purposes only. 

2. Neither the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT (IIHD)/NESTER SERVICES LLC nor their owners, board members, employees, agents, and/or volunteers offer medical advice through this website or any means whatsoever. Nor should the information provided be used as a substitute for needed health care from a licensed health or mental health professional.

3. The INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT (IIHD)/NESTER SERVICES LLC recommends all to seek professional medical assistance if needed.

4.  The viewer of this website and client to the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT (IIHD)/NESTER SERVICES LLC assumes any and all risks associated with using the information it contains, agreeing to hold harmless the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT (IIHD)/NESTER SERVICES LLC, their owners, board members, employees, agents, and/or volunteers from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, liability, loss, damage, and/or injury that may occur out of the use of this website.

5. When you purchase any of our services or products, you are acknowledging that the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT (IIHD)/NESTER SERVICES LLC has a no refund policy in this and all other related sites and digital platforms.

6. By engaging with the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT (IIHD)/NESTER SERVICES LLC you are acknowledging that you understand and agree to this disclaimer, and that you take full responsibility for your own health, decisions and actions.

© 2024 by International Institute of Holistic Development (IIHD)

All the content, including text, video, images and procedures are copyrighted property of either Lidia Nester and/or the International Institute of Holistic Development.

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